Advice needed! DOHC ZC or B16A or.....?

Hey wagon brethren (and sisters).. my wagon currently sits without an engine, and I am contemplating which one to put in it.
Currently looking at two options, both of which I have wanted since like 2005 lol
Most likely both OBD-0.
I have never driven a ZC powered car so I have no experience there, however I have owned a B16A powered DA before which was fun.
Really right now it comes down to numbers, whether the extra $1200 or so to do a B16A swap is worth it in the short term/long term.
Or perhaps some other options? Not really looking for forced induction but willing to consider it in the distant future... Also I'd rather stay away from OBD-1/2 conversions, but again, willing to consider it.
Thoughts? Concerns? Comments?
Currently looking at two options, both of which I have wanted since like 2005 lol
Most likely both OBD-0.
I have never driven a ZC powered car so I have no experience there, however I have owned a B16A powered DA before which was fun.
Really right now it comes down to numbers, whether the extra $1200 or so to do a B16A swap is worth it in the short term/long term.
Or perhaps some other options? Not really looking for forced induction but willing to consider it in the distant future... Also I'd rather stay away from OBD-1/2 conversions, but again, willing to consider it.
Thoughts? Concerns? Comments?
B16A, boomslang harness, mount kit, whack rail, do work.
Get to it!
I've tried both and wouldn't hesitate at going B16 over ZC.
Cost. Obd-1 B16s seem to be a solid $600-800 more or so.
Thats pretty much the only reason lol.
Looks to me the consensus is to stay away from the ZC haha
Bam, I like to rev high! At least with my poor wagon i do...
Thanks for all the replies, keep them coming!
If you go b stay NA. I like turbos but b series like revs and have aftermarket for NA applications. NA feels yo
If you are worried about price of a swap, and want to go B series, lmk. I have a full OBD1 B16 swap swap coming in for helping a guy with his GSR swap I would sell way cheap to move it out so I don't buy another car and put it in it lol.
Why not just go B AND boost? Substantially more aftermarket support and more potential...Like I previously said, my ZC blew and I was not impressed with it at all. I would go B if I could, but I am not willing to spend the money for that AWD swap when it is my DD and I already have an H2B hatch lol.
You said you like to rev, is 9200rpm high enough?
Oh yeah? How cheap?
How much man?
bullet proof blocks + cheap replacements if need parts
Thanks again.
thanks for posting that i forgot all about these guys! and yeah USDM420 is right Hmotors might be kinda costy but they're really professional and customer service is really good too
Man idk where auckland is but no where in america will you find a b18c at any pick and pull or pick a part self service salvage yard i envy your country's salvage yards.
To be fair, I got there before the place opened and I had at least ten people walk over and say they came for what I scored. It's still always a good idea to keep an eye out to see what you can score. If you don't try, you don't succeed. I got the lot for $550 NZD - ready to drop in, loom, ecu, axles, everything.
Plenty of B20s from CR-Vs of course, but all with at least 200,000 - 300,000+ miles on them, and I am not one to rebuild an engine.
HMotors wanted $2400
all decent companies. Hmotors I have heard is usually the best, but I'll have another review from tigerjapanese soon, as my buddy ordered a GSR from them and it'll be here tomorrow.