Serious vibrations over 35mph in my 91 RT

Can anyone guess why my 91 RT wants to shake itself to pieces anytime I get it over 35mph? I started off by getting the rear CV joints rebuilt (they were due). I also had my mechanic take a look under the car, but they couldn't see anything that would be the cause. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I need help!
Do the vibration change with throttle input? How about steering input?
The tires were our first guess, so we just had 2 replaced and the rest checked. They should be fine. The vibration is entirely tied to the speed of the car as far as I can tell. Throttle and steering don't change it. I have hit some potholes really hard a couple times, and the car is lowered. Is it possible the drive shaft is slightly bent? Maybe one of the front CV joints are bent? If I were to guess, it doesn't feel like the vibration is coming from one corner of the car in particular. It feels like it's relatively central.
Forgive my ignorance, what are the rta bushes? Is it possible that the old rear motor mount has given away and this is the result? When I put the JDM engine in it was the only mount I couldn't find a replacement for.
I doubt your worn rear engine mount is the issue. Did the problem occur after the new engine or was it happening before aswell?
Rockford is the wagonist's shop of choice? I just ship them mine and they ship it back all remanufactured and shiny?
Thoughts? I'd love to hear from people that have had the rockford installed with lots of happy wagoning miles since
Would disengagement of the 4wd lever stop the tailshaft rotating? Just figure it would save me the time of removal etc
You might be able to unbolt the drive shaft from the rear diff and then zip tie it up and out of the way AND disconnect the 4wd at the lever. Then the drive shaft would no longer be rotating.
The post said some are a little different but all the mounts/bushings line right up and work..
I started having bad vibrations after having a little fun in the snow the other day..
I drove my wagon on ramps and there was a ton of snow and ice stuck under there, around the drive line and wheel wells..
Once I cleared it all out the vibrations went away..
Think God!!
I don't want to have to deal with replacing the U joints anytime soon...
I do plain on keeping my wagon for the rest of my life, so I have thought about going ahead and ordering 2 sets of U Joints in case Rockford stops making them..