Thump/shudder above 50

1991 RT4WD..shudders above 50 mph. It started on the way home from work. Below 50 it's fine, anything above that it shudders. It feels like something is slamming the front right tire. The shudder does not change if the car is in gear or neutral. IIRC, the shudder lessens when accelerating... I will test that out again just to be sure. I jacked up the car and looked for any wheel movement/slop. None. The CV axle boots were not torn. I did notice when I twisted the axle there was some kind of play but the axle looked fairly new. The Axles and half shaft on the other side were solid. No issues there. I looked at the other various suspension linkages and did not find any movement (the suspension is complicated!).
I did have new tires put on recently and I changed an outer tie rod end. The car does not pull. I will recheck my work.
Any suggestions or tips? I've read that an out of balance wheel may cause this...
I did have new tires put on recently and I changed an outer tie rod end. The car does not pull. I will recheck my work.
Any suggestions or tips? I've read that an out of balance wheel may cause this...
Because the shudder changes under load, I question the CV axle. They "look" good but there was some shaft play if I pushed up.
I have only gone through 6 half shafts now. Learning really quick what sort of failure causes certain vibrations. Yay for junk chinese half shafts!
I would get them, Plus they are lifetime warranty...
if the boot rips take it back!!