RTFWD Hub Swap

Has anyone taken the hub off of a Rear Trailing Arm belonging to a RT4WD Wagon and swapped it to the Rear Trailing Arm from a normal wagon? I need to do so because my Rear Trailing Arm is bent and I can't find another one that already has the RT4WD hub with a place for the axle to go. Just looking at the two rear trailing arms, it looks possible, but it looks like you have to pry the back plate off of the arm (the arm from the regular wagon) and drill some three holes in it for the bracket (the RT4WD hub bracket) swap. Sorry, I would post pics, but it won't let me attach anything, and the pictures aren't from a URL.
It's going to take some cutting and welding.
Have you looked at car-part dot com ? You can search junkyards, may find one worth the drive. It's what I would do if I didn't have a spare.
Either way, yes. It can be used from a 2wd wagon. I personally installed one from a '90 DX auto into an'88 RT. I only had to drill the spotwelds from the differential mount and weld it onto the donor crossmember. I'm no good at searching, but there are pictures of the process somewhere.
I replied to your thread on DSO
The latter. Then you'll need to weld the RT4WD diff bracket to the 2WD bracket in the same spot.