RT4WD questions.

I've been having a tough time finding info. I see that there is an SL gear which means super low? What does this SL gear do? How do you engage 4wd? Does it kick on when the wheels starts spinning? Can you alwalys drive in 4wd or is that called AWD? (Not like I would just curious.) Sorry for the newbie questions.
RT4WD is Real Time 4WD. In the civic configuration it means that the car is FWD until there is a difference in speed between the front and rear sections of the centre drive line. Then it will engage the rear wheels as well.
To get an idea about engaging and disengaging the ABILITY to use 4WD, try here; http://www.civicwagon.com/showthread.php?16578-How-to-disengage-four-wheel-drive
For information on how the viscous coupler works; http://www.civicwagon.com/showthread.php?7979-Viscous-Coupler-info
You'll probably want to check out the quick links; http://www.civicwagon.com/showthread.php?17828-Engine-amp-Drivetrain-Quicklinks