Paint Prep-Work Question

I had a shop come out and quote me for the body work on the wagon. He was super adamant about pulling the bubble windows and windshield as well as the trim below the door windows. That seems way excessive does anyone have advice on what parts should be removed and which should never be touched. Also what would be a reasonable price to paint a wagon the same color with minor body work? This guy said 4k and I'm no rocket surgeon but that seems f*cked. I could buy a nice gun and send myself through a community college auto body class for that much.
Door handles
Side trim EXCLUDING Furthest rear side trim
Hatch license plate plastic
Remove Fenders
Remove Bumpers
Remove Hood
Anything else?
Metal strip below the hatch window
Bubble windows and trim
Windshield and trim
Furthest rear side trim
Anything else?
Anything helps guys because I'm truly ignorant when it comes to body work.
Door handles
Side trim EXCLUDING Furthest rear side trim
Hatch license plate plastic
Remove Fenders
Remove Bumpers
Remove Hood
Anything else?
Metal strip below the hatch window
Bubble windows and trim
Windshield and trim
Furthest rear side trim
Anything else?
Anything helps guys because I'm truly ignorant when it comes to body work.
removing the most amount if parts is always better as there's less change of overspray on the parts and so you can do better prep work around the glass etc.
i would advise removing the front windscreen to repair any underlaying rust that isn't visible. You can leave the rear screen in.
Remove all trim on the doors, exterior window door trim I would also remove, it isn't very hard to do so (the horizontal trim).
if you were to give them the car in full trim then 4k is still abit excessive for the to strip, prep, repair, paint and reassemble.
If you provided the car stripped, I would say 2k or so is reasonable for a good job.
hes right about what you 'should' pull
Im working at a body shop now. If you wanna bring your car to Spokane I'll take good care of ya
The wiper on the back has a cap that pops off.
In the center of the license plate cover is a clip, f*ck that clip. Haha. It is so hard to get out, even after exposing everything I could. I ended up breaking it but I don't think it is that important.
Everything else is pretty self explanitory. The spoiler needs to slide forward when you take it off and there is a bolt behind the 3 tail light.
Also the door handles come out easily but the trick is that you have to remove the latch as well.
Ok here are the things I'm stuck on.
These stickers, how do I get them off and keep them reusable? Or do I have to purchase new ones?
And the garnish on the bottom of the window. I got the rear ones out but the front ones are pissing me off, they won't bugde and I'm using pressures that are getting to the point I'm going to break clips? Any thoughts?
As far as your Civic emblem, run a scraper under it and peel it off. You can clean it up and reuse if desired. The RT4wd sticker you're going to have to find someone to print you a new one. Shouldn't be too hard we've got some creative sticker people here.