Random steering wheel shake, please help!

So I recently got some mst MT05 15x8 et20 off craigslist, the tires on them are 195/50. With my winter tires I didn't really feel any sort of shaking when driving but after putting on the new summer set up I got a wicked steering wheel shake starting around 45-50mph. I have had the tires rebalanced, got a new tie rod end because one was bad, and also got hub centric rings to get the rims to center better but still shakes, not all the time tho either. Sometimes while at highway speeds the steering wheel doesn't shake for awhile then starts back up. The rims don't look bent or anything but that wouldn't account for the randomness of the shaking going away. I am lowered on BC coilovers and I'm sure my alignment is off but I'm not any lower then I was with the winter tires so I have no idea where to go from here. Any help would be AMAZING!! Thanks in advance.
P.S. I'll get some pictures of how the cars looking now up soon.
P.S. I'll get some pictures of how the cars looking now up soon.
Could going from a 60series winter tire to a slightly stretched 50series tire just be showing a problem I had that the winter tires absorbed?
Sometimes tires have a nasty heavy spot and there's almost no way to balance for it. Force balancing can make it a little better, it's a bit more involved than normal balancing. You have to move the tire around on the wheel, etc. until the weight is just right and all.
Here's what you do...
- put in steady 2wd mode
- jack front up, put on stands.
- put 1 tire on the FR, start the car up and get it up to speed that it vibrates. if nothing, then repeat on FL side. if nothing, then something is only happening under load. like bearing or something. The difference in offset can be causing more stress on the bearing. It's scary doing the high speed burns with the car in the air, make sure you are safe.
i've had a vibration on my wagon for 7 years that i can't solve, i gave up and bought a new wagon. I replaced EVERYTHING you can think of, it's well documented on this board.
Try another balance shop, with a Hunter Road Force Balancer (you can google shops in your location that have one, they have a database) and INSIST on watching them while they do it and are actually doing a full road force. I busted some rookie claiming a road force and he didn't even bring the pressure wheel down. Fucker. I've had wheel weights fly off 100meters after balance. U turn, shake fist. Sounds like a rock hitting under your car. PPPTTTTTIIIINNNGGGGG..
You REALLY need to dial in the diagnosis.
Dr. Quarters: Ph.D Vibrationology
turn the steering wheel all the way to the left, grab the right side shaft of your steering column and try to shake it around, see if there is play. If so, the dreaded rack-end bushing needs doing. But... i doubt that's your problem.
You may have a bent axle.
It's one of the hardest things to diagnose. Good luck.