Fueling Problem

So, I was test driving my car through the neighborhood the other day and it randomly died on me. Trying to diagnose the problem...I have some ideas, but any other input would be much appreciated. Here's the story...
Driving around, car randomly shutters and dies. Trying to restart it, I notice the fuel pump is not priming (engine turns over fine). Then I did this:
-Tried 5 different main relays, one of which I am 100% positive was good. No change.
-Did a few of the tests in the manual, mainly checking the fuel pump by using a jumper on the main relay harness and checking voltage to the pump (this test showed voltage at the pump when the ignition was on, so I believe the fuel pump is good).
At this point, I gave up for the day. Now, there is a possibility that I simply ran out of gas when the car died. This car has been sitting for over a year, and the fuel gauge is not very accurate...the fuel tank seemed really, really low when tapping on the bottom of it...so the next day I put some gas in it and did the following:
-Accidentally tried to start the car with the jumper still in place (no main relay) and the fuel pump connected...heard the fuel pump run constantly until I removed the jumper or turned key off
-Put main relay back in just for the hell of it, still no pump priming
-Noticed that my check engine light is constantly ON with key in start position (not sure if this was the case the previous day)
-Checked alternator fuse under dash and all fuses in the engine bay fuse box, all good.
At this point, I am going to reset the ECU just in case something weird is going on (e.g. no fuel pressure read by the ECU due to no gas is causing it not to tell the pump to prime or something). My only other guess is that my ECU is fried (friend told me this can be the case with a constantly on CEL).
Any other guesses? If it is my ECU that is fried, what could be causing this? Why would it just randomly give out like that??
Driving around, car randomly shutters and dies. Trying to restart it, I notice the fuel pump is not priming (engine turns over fine). Then I did this:
-Tried 5 different main relays, one of which I am 100% positive was good. No change.
-Did a few of the tests in the manual, mainly checking the fuel pump by using a jumper on the main relay harness and checking voltage to the pump (this test showed voltage at the pump when the ignition was on, so I believe the fuel pump is good).
At this point, I gave up for the day. Now, there is a possibility that I simply ran out of gas when the car died. This car has been sitting for over a year, and the fuel gauge is not very accurate...the fuel tank seemed really, really low when tapping on the bottom of it...so the next day I put some gas in it and did the following:
-Accidentally tried to start the car with the jumper still in place (no main relay) and the fuel pump connected...heard the fuel pump run constantly until I removed the jumper or turned key off
-Put main relay back in just for the hell of it, still no pump priming
-Noticed that my check engine light is constantly ON with key in start position (not sure if this was the case the previous day)
-Checked alternator fuse under dash and all fuses in the engine bay fuse box, all good.
At this point, I am going to reset the ECU just in case something weird is going on (e.g. no fuel pressure read by the ECU due to no gas is causing it not to tell the pump to prime or something). My only other guess is that my ECU is fried (friend told me this can be the case with a constantly on CEL).
Any other guesses? If it is my ECU that is fried, what could be causing this? Why would it just randomly give out like that??
Thanks again for that link, it was very helpful in eliminating what could possibly be wrong....