a passenger side outer mirror. they were an option. I have been trying to find one for a while. had a guy asking 150.00 for a used one time. to much for me though.
thats an option? I feel like an idiot not, scrapped mine with the mirror still on it..ugh should have known.. and RBshuttle they have under passenger seat storage trays are a rare option for your year wagon!
thats an option? I feel like an idiot not, scrapped mine with the mirror still on it..ugh should have known.. and RBshuttle they have under passenger seat storage trays are a rare option for your year wagon!
I also need a pass mirror - I ordered one online form some crap company selling replacements but it did not fit - I could have used a saw....
If ANY one out there has any of these - Ill happily for shipping and such!!!!
Let me know via PM or post here - I'll see it!