Back in a honda but not quite a wagon.....

Just picked her up wasnt realy lookin for one but it caught my eye. I LOVE this color ever since my friend had an 01 ex civic the same color.

Hate it or love it? Theres no in beetween

Hate it or love it? Theres no in beetween
If you don't mind me asking, what did you end up getting for your wrx?
did it come painted that color??? OEM???
As for why its on a dolly its got a nasty noise coming from the head but lucky me a guy in yakima has a head and an entire a3 for sale so no matter what ill be able to get what i need rather quick to make it run.
I hooked my buddy up with the wrx for $5000 he and I give eachother shit all the time so I didnt mind taking it in the rear besides i kept my wideband, snow tires, and hes got some slicks that im sure he will give me if i ask him. hes taking the BOV,DP, and some other tid bits off for his 04 sti and making the old wagon his womans car she loves it.
very nice though.
I plan on making this my STF autoX car and engine swaps are a big no no in that class. I can pretty much do I/H/E and tune performance wise.
found the culprit dam fram filters GARBAGE
Just saying lol
It's totally the colors fault.
Mark my words, in 10 years it'll be the new YR-88, someone will do a sick build and then people will be flocking to them.
Yes Kyler in stf I can kpro the car but ill prolly just do a reflash since the mods will be pretty basic. Should be around 185-190whp.
I'm moving back to Arizona at summer's end... gonna need some A/C. I almost traded my blue EM1 for a white Si hatch when they were new. I just liked my Em1 a lot more. I really just want a stock one to fart around in so I can keep my wagon.
U should ive seen them as low as $5500
I have an '02 EP, mine's black. You may want to check out Lots of help there.
While waiting for my headgasket I put my new Tein S-techs in which brought the car down about 1.5 inches. I realy want to buy new wheels but i cant find the logic in buying wheels for a car that doesnt run yet. So i can wait. Im diggin billboards hfp's but i bet thats some coin.
not really. pretty cheap. got them shipped to my house for 500... not bad....
Did they make a HFP wheel for the Si Civic? or what were the original Si wheels???
put those rims on Craigslist and get rid of them... i think that car color needs some white shoes.... I reallly realllly like the Rota R specs... look so good.... but they are like 700...
they were my other wheel choice, and i like the size 16x7- perfect....
with these center caps.
Glad to see ya back in a honda