Intrac LSD vs normal rear diff

While cleaning out my garage I thought it would be a good idea to get some pictures to compare the Intrac rear diff and the normal diff. Everything is different from the transmission back. The prop shaft diff and rear cv axles are all specific to the intrac diff. The prop shaft is shorter on the Intrac and seems to have a smaller universal at the end. The inner CVs are different for each diff.
Enough words on with the pics!
The shafts with the yellow bands are the normal diff

Comparing CVs The drier/rustier looking one is normal

The diffs them selves Intrac on the right normal on the left

Flipped, intrac on the left

Looking into the diffs
Intrac LSD

Normal open diff

Prop shafts the top/shorter one is for the Intrac diff

The label specifying the diff oil requred for the normal diff. INtrac diff had no sticker
Enough words on with the pics!
The shafts with the yellow bands are the normal diff

Comparing CVs The drier/rustier looking one is normal

The diffs them selves Intrac on the right normal on the left

Flipped, intrac on the left

Looking into the diffs
Intrac LSD

Normal open diff

Prop shafts the top/shorter one is for the Intrac diff

The label specifying the diff oil requred for the normal diff. INtrac diff had no sticker

Is it (RWD) engaged electrically instead of with the viscous coupler?
sounds like I need to get my hands on one of these's rear diff setups!! I would use a speed based output with the ECM to un-lock the rear diff at higher speeds, or possibly a load output would work better, eather way less drive train loss that would= better fuel ecomeny/higher trap speeds. now here's the billilon$$$ ??? will these discs hold the power like a viscious coupler? or will they simply slip?
funny, I Googled "honda intrac" and found this.
Super cool stuff though! I'm dying to see the inner workings of the front half lol :?
That is the chassis code for my stolen RTi INTRAC ('90, manual).
Hope that helps someone track down further information on the INTRAC system and parts for it.
If it's OBD0 I feel like it would be easy to trick and you could in essence "lock" the 4WD.
It was all controlled by the alb computer which is long gone now. I've been running it for years without it and it's been fine. Probably done around 10 thousand km.
I'll test the diff at some point and figure the wiring side out.
What I am really curious about is does the lsd fut into the 'normal' rear housing so we can do away with the clutch.
So are you just running it as full time AWD then?
I guess so but like haydz said the clutch only dis engages the rear.
My understanding is the clutch acts as a "power or shock limiter" for the rear end.
Driving behaviour wise it is extremely understeery but it could also be my driving. I have had it power sliding (
For lack of a better term) so when I have a rear sway bar in and everything aligned properly I'll try again
Hmm. Did you ever get a rear sway bar on your old intrac? I wonder if it's a result of the lsd in the back and the fairly even power split (before clutch overload/slip)